Evaluation of ASEAN.

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Once hailed as perhaps the most successful example of regional organization in the developing world, ASEAN is now widely perceived to be in decline and ineffective (See). ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was founded in August 1967 to fight with an overwhelming threat of communism in Southeast Asia. The founding members were Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. Since the Vietnam War, ASEAN's role has changed to become that of a regional peacekeeper and to …

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…Impact of East Asian Financial Crisis on ASEAN." 2 Apr. 2003 <http://iir.nccu.edu.tw/english/wyy/qr/wyy9902d.html> "Regional Haze Action Plan." ASEAN Secretariat. 2 Apr. 2003 <http://www.aseansec. org/9059.htm> See, Constance. "ASEAN is Floundering." CDI Asia Forum. 6 Nov. 2000. 31 Mar. 2003 <http://www.cdi.org/asia/fa110600.html> Suh, Sangwon. "Unease over East Timor." Asia Week. 15 Oct. 1999. 5 Apr. 2003 <http:// www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/magazine/99/1015/easttimor.html>