Evaluating "Race, Not Class" by Nathan Glazer

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ENC1102-008 January 25, 1999 Evaluating "Race, Not Class" I chose "Race, Not Class", by Nathan Glazer as my essay to evaluate. Glazer is trying to convince his readers that the affirmative action policy is fine the way it is, being race-based. His proponents want to revise it to a class based policy. By revising it to such, he believes that it would damage the opportunities for African Americans, for whom he feels that the policy was …

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…affirmative action policy. My writing process consisted of many hours of writing and revising. My peer group critique helped me with my revision. My strengths in my essay would be my transition from each paragraph. Not mixing personal issues with the facts. I was able to be realistic in what the author was trying to prove and give opinion. I would like feedback of all areas that you as the reader find wrong or questionable.