Evaluate the relative Importance of domestic and Foreign

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Essay Database > History
U.S. politics & policy were shaped by mostly domestic affairs in the 1790's. During George Washington's Presidency, Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson, his two closest advisors, faced off on opposing views of what the role of government should be. Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist from N.Y. called for shaping policies that would help to improve the U.S. economy & lifestyle. In his 3 reports to congress, Hamilton called for protective tariffs, a bank of the U.S., …

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…in which French minister Talleyrand attempted to bribe 3 American diplomats produced the opposite affect by putting the Republicans on the defensive from Federalist attacks during the resulting Quasi-War with France. Domestic and Foreign affairs, therefore produced tensions that established the tradition of political parties in the U.S. For a period ("The Era of Good Feelings") this partisan conflict would die down, but it had by the 1830s embedded itself in the American political system.