Evaluate how well Australia has adopted its obligations under its ratifications of international human rights principles.

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Generally, Australia's ratification of its international human rights obligations has been QUITE good. We have free elections, an independent judiciary, the Executive which is bound the law. Our liberties are legally protected, we have enough to eat and drink, receive secondary education, have access to health care and services, are properly housed, we aren't HARASSED by the State for holding different views to it, we have FREEDOM of movement, to PRACTICE our religion, our privacy …

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…of the Declaration and the treaty law in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966. Another issue is the number of homeless; especially youth homelessness in Australia is testament to the failure of our welfare system to secure even the most basic right of shelter. Consequently, it MUST be acknowledged that although Australia has adopted international human rights conventions on a broad scale domestically, its international ratification record is indeed, FAR from perfect.