Evaluate Sales Team Effectiveness and Performance

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Sales and marketing is about understanding the strategic goals of your customers and creating long-term solutions, building trust and value-added relationships. Organizations may also face major challenges striving to find, win and keep profitable customer relationships. A customer-focused organization involves marketing which is practiced throughout the whole hierarchy where everyone has a role to play. This would include managers, the sales teams, marketing and communicating staff and external marketing agencies and specialists. Everyday, companies effectively …

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…and maintain self-confidence. Not only is it a motivator, there is a greater chance that the positive performance will be repeated. Constructive feedback addresses areas where improvement may be needed. It is important when delivering constructive feedback that the focus is on the expected performance in the future and not on past behavior. If done well, there is a good chance that you will see an improvement in performance and it maintains an employee's self-esteem.