Eva Luna by Isabel Allende

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Novel: Eva Luna by Isabel Allende; 307 pp; Cost: $7.99 Eva Luna is based on the life of the protagonist of the novel, Eva Luna. The story begins with the tale of how Eva Luna was concieved by her mother trying to save the life of a snake bitten indian. It takes place in an unnamed South American country because the characters speak Spanish. Eva's mother dies when she is only 7 years old and is forced to …

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…but she undergoes depression and commits suicide. This shows how week it is to be anti-feminist and how strong and successful it is to be independent. I think this book is mainly aimed towards the adult and mature teen audience. I would definitely recommend this book. However, I enjoyed Allende's House of the Spirits more than this novel. Eva Luna is faster reading than House of the Spirits and the plot is not as extended.