Euthanasia and why it should be legal.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Euthanasia: Proper Medical Procedure Imagine being trapped in a hospital bed, with all sorts of medical equipment hooked to you, unable to move or do much of anything. You are in pain and all you want, is to be unplugged from the machines, so you can go home to your own bed, and die in peace. However, the doctors refuse to even consider doing this because they know it will lead to instant death. Being …

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…Physician Assisted Suicide") Euthanasia is a decision that no one wants to have to make, but we can't just ignore it. It will not just go away. Quality of life is more important than quantity of life. People need to realize this and let everyone make their own decisions. Euthanasia is something people need to have as a last resort when no other medical treatment has helped them or will be able to help them.