Euthanasia In America

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Euthanasia and assisted suicide; are they both morally supported? By knowing the rights, the legalization, and the ethics of suicide, people might better understand peoples differing opinions concerning this social issue. <Tab/>Do people have the right to get assistance with suicide? During the 1970's, Americans began demanding death-with-dignity. They believed that everyone has their own individual right to die. Although it was supported by a majority of people, medical physicians …

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…when they wish to end it. Many people believe that doctors should provide assistance in any way possible (Crosen 28+). The doctors, however, should not be pressured to assist in deaths. <Tab/>Many people have their own beliefs on suicide. They can also have their own opinions about the rights, the legalization, and the ethics of suicide. Many people need to remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.