Euthanasia Debate Notes

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Euthanasia AUTONOMY  society has a moral obligation to respect individual autonomy when we can do so without harm to others and when doing so does not violate some other moral obligation.  because life is intrinsically valuable only as a result of its necessity for decision-making and free will  Life without autonomy ceases to be of the utmost value  persons right to choose his or her life course should be the highest …

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…death with dignity The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1985 adopted the Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, which serves as model legislation for state laws. Today, patients are entitled to opt for passive euthanasia; that is, to make free and informed choices to refuse life support. The controversy over active euthanasia, however, is likely to remain intense because of opposition from religious groups and many members of the medical profession.