Euthanasia Debate: It's about Autonomy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Easily one of the most controversial topics of our time, euthanasia tends to arouse emotional debate. However, there should be a very practical approach to this subject that puts the value of individual free will above the will of religion. Even if euthanasia is immoral, it still should not be prohibited by law, since if a patient wants to die, that is strictly a personal affair, regardless of how foolish or immoral the desire might …

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…should actually be considered moral out of compassion and respect for individual free will. If we do not allow for individual autonomy in determining the extent of medical treatment, then we are sentencing many terminally ill patients to a final stage of life filled with misery and unrelenting pain. References George, Robert P. and William C. Porth Jr. 'A Duty to Live?' National Review 26 June 1995 Nichols, Mark. 'Dying by Choice.' Maclean's Magazine. 20 May 1996. 47