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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
On June 4, 1990, Janet Adkins committed suicide. She killed herself under the supervision of a man named Jack Kevorkian. Again and again, Kevorkian set up machines and killed patients that were supposedly terminally ill. He escaped punishment for years, but on March 26, 1999, Kevorkian was incarcerated for second-degree murder. (Online,99) He had developed many friends and many enemies. One of his followers was a woman who had developed coronary artery disease. Her name was Donna White. She …

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…Gould and Craigmyle, 71) The number one rule of medicine is that "doctors shall not kill". This regimen has been a priority since the teachings of the well know physician, Hippocrates. (Shapiro and Bowermaster, 94) Some doctors often let their murders slide behind the name of euthanasia. Kevorkian did that very thing. He killed over 52 patients behind the name of euthanasia. By legalizing euthanasia, the United States of America is setting licensed murderers out on the street.