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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Should euthanasia be legalised? What is your position on this question? Argue your case. The question of whether or not to legalise euthanasia is not a modern one. Throughout the ages there has been much debate over the legalisation of euthanasia in Australia and throughout the world. People's opinions are forever changing, and 78% of Australians now believe that euthanasia should be legalised. Euthanasia allows people to have 'a good death' and quality of life, it …

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…compered to one of suffering and torment. Euthanasia should be legalised, with guidelines, so that terminally ill and incapacitated people have an avenue to choice when and how they die. Bibliography Pp23-25, Robert Gott and Richard Linden, No Easy Way Out, CIS Publishers, Carlton, 1993. Pp 83-93, Helga Kuhse, Willing to listen, Wanting to die, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1994. Pp 60-107, Gary E. McCuen, Doctor Assisted Suicide and the Euthanasia Movement, Gary E.McCuen Publications, Wisconsin, 1994.