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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Euthanasia There are many sides to the dilemma of whether or not euthanasia should be carried out. There is the question of morality, the question of active versus passive euthanasia and the question of when euthanasia should be put into use. None of these questions are totally cut and dry. There seem to be more gray areas within this issue than there are black and white. Yet when you look at the problem on a …

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…in the hands of their family. People should have the right to live and the right to choose how they will die, if indeed they are terminally ill or unable to function in life. If a person wants to end the suffering, they should have that choice. After all, they are the ones who would be ultimately affected by euthanasia. They are the only ones who would have to live, or die, with their choice.