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Essay Database > Literature > English
EUTHANASIA Is it right ? Is it moral ? Ever since the first act of Euthanasia was completed,it has become one of the most controversial issues among people,but common conclusion is still to be reached. Euthanasia comes from two Greek words meaning "Good death".One of the base reasons people who favour Euthanasia give is,a person has the right to die with dignity.Many times patiens with serious illness express the wish to die,…

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…the biggest problem concerning Euthanasia.If the law could make the missuse impossible,it would mean the rescue from suffering for many people.The opponents of Euthanasia also have their rights,they can choose not to be involved in any form of it. Ultimately,Euthanasia is a question of choice; A choice that empowers people to have control of their own bodies,minds and lives.A choice that any person should be able to have !