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Essay Database > Literature > English
good death"; however, the word "euthanasia" is much more difficult to define. Each person may define euthanasia differently. Who is to decide whether a death is good or not? Is any form of death good? All of these questions can be answered differently by each person. It is generally taken today to mean that act which a health care professional carries out to help his/her patient achieve a good death. Rational suicide has been …

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…federal appeals court in San Francisco rejects the challenge against Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law passed by voters in 1994. The law could take as long as six months to take full effect. Opponents of physician-assisted suicide, including the Oregon Catholic Conference, Oregon Right To Life, and Physicians for Compassionate Care, won't be able to repeal the law but they are pushing a bill now before the Oregon House that would delay it from taking effect until 1999.