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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Why shouldn't we legalize assisted suicide? Advocates of euthanasia also known as "mercy-killing" is a necessary treatment for patients, especially for those that are terminally ill, and are experiencing excruciating pain. Proponents of euthanasia recommend that the only way to eliminate the pain is to eliminate the patient. They are bidding for a legal acknowledgement of a "right to suicide" and "physician-assisted suicide". They also believe that society should respect and yield to the freedom
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and psychological care to battle their feeling of hopelessness. The right way to combat legalizing suicide and euthanasia is to provide the correct treatment, whether it is to battle depression or physical suffering. Because we do have the technology and the medicine to effectively control the pain; more is being asked of doctors to be more educated on effective pain management. This would eliminate the need to end lives as a means to end suffering.
and psychological care to battle their feeling of hopelessness. The right way to combat legalizing suicide and euthanasia is to provide the correct treatment, whether it is to battle depression or physical suffering. Because we do have the technology and the medicine to effectively control the pain; more is being asked of doctors to be more educated on effective pain management. This would eliminate the need to end lives as a means to end suffering.