Euthanasia ~ A Critique

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
By Peter A. Singer and Mark Siegler A Brief Summary: This essay was written as a critique on the topic of Euthanasia. It argues euthanasia on three settings: a journal article, a Californian legislative initiative, and on public policy in the Netherlands. The journal article, titled "It's over, Debbie," talks about a dramatic and emotional first person account of euthanasia. The legislative initiative represents a group of Californians who tried to make euthanasia legal, through …

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…have been a bit less repetitive if they had broken this cycle, at least one time. Overall, these authors approached and debated this topic very well. Since euthanasia is such a widespread controversy, it is extremely hard to write about without just coming out and saying that: "I'M RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG!" Dr. Singer and Dr. Siegler controlled their personal views very skillfully by picking apart both sides of the debate, and analyzing them.