European and Native Encounters in the Americas.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
European and Native Encounters in the Americas The encounters between separate European nations and separate native populations were all distinctive. If we are to look at specific examples of the encounters, whether the motives were religious economic or a hybrid of the two, the effect was largely the same: the conquest of the indigenous natives. The specific encounters of the Spanish and the English provide an interesting comparison as they were the European powers that …

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…y Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 54, Issue 1 (Jan., 1997) 229-252. 3)Bartolome de las Casas, A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (Penguin Classics, 1992). 4)Seed, Patricia. Ceremonies of Possession in Europe's Conquest of the New World, 1492-1640 (Cambridge, 1995). 5)Salisbury, Neal. "The Indians' Old World: Native Americans and the Coming of the Europeans" in William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Volume 53, Issue 3, Indians and Others in Early America (July, 1996), 435-458. Christopher Columbus, The Four Voyages (Penguin ed., 1969).