European Miconceptions about the Indians
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Essay Database > History
What types of Indian behavior, rituals and customs did Europeans typically misunderstand or mis interpret? What myths of Indian society resulted?
After being isolated from Europe for so long it was only a matter of time before the two wolrds collided, the simpler world of the indians with the more "advanced" world of the europeans. Not only was the European world different but the Indian world was multifacted within itself. Out of the collision of
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were not limited to: the indians being naive,blood thirsty sasvasges who indulged in every kind of wicked lust and performed strange rituals. the europeans unjustly labeled the indians because their way of life was different. European perceptions were based on life as they knew it and they felt that they way of life was the right way. Just because someone does something a different way doesn't mean it is wrong or of lesser value.
were not limited to: the indians being naive,blood thirsty sasvasges who indulged in every kind of wicked lust and performed strange rituals. the europeans unjustly labeled the indians because their way of life was different. European perceptions were based on life as they knew it and they felt that they way of life was the right way. Just because someone does something a different way doesn't mean it is wrong or of lesser value.