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Essay Database > Literature > English
Webster's New World Dictionary defines eugenics as the movement devoted to improving the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating. The use of words "control" and "mating" in one sentence appears to be oxymoronic. In nature there is no control--one simply gets what one gets. Scientific studies on the other hand are very controlled and specific. Scientists have extensively studied and worked hard only to learn of a few genes which have …

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…in the gene-pool would be reduced to zero in one generation. To their surprise, after such sterilization program, they would find the same number of dominant disorders in the next generation because natural selection already reduced these to mutation rate and the appearance of the disorder in the next generation after sterilization are all new mutations. Negative eugenics simply does not work. I believe, those who support it should know better their Ps and Qs.