Eugenics Brief discussion of eugenics in America

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Eugenics Eugenics is a term used to describe a process which is implemented in hopes of creating a better race of humans through the genes the parent generation passes down to the offspring. The term was used originally by Englishman Francis Galton in 1883 who, incidentally, was a cousin of the famous evolutionist Charles Darwin. Galton was primarily concerned with mathematics. He was completing a statistical study of "latent ability" among a group of British people …

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…the historical use of the term. Some traits may be found to be based in racism or bigotry such as how tall some one is or the color of their skin. But if this technology is used to let people have more intelligent babies or ones with less susceptible immune systems where is the evil? Sometimes people look to find the negative side of things even if it is far less visible than the positive.