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Essay Database > Literature > English
William Mattert Race and Ethnicity Final Exam Essay #1 Ethnicity: Relation of Assimilation The question of how people of different races and ethnicities interact in America has gripped this nation from its infancy. American society has long been a "cultural melting pot," integrating people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Although the nation's history has been checkered on the process of successfully integrating people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, Americans can feel proud of the …

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…active involvement of other nations to stop these heinous crimes will rise to a level that leave little room for them any more. Ethnicity is one's culture and should be admired by all when one wants to remain active in following their norms. A diverse country with a multiculturalistic society is the most interesting and the best one to have. Will we ever see that is a question that will probably for ever remain "no"