Ethnic Residential Segregation The Solidarity of The Group

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ETHNIC RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: THE SOLIDARITY OF THE GROUP The urban metropolis and its function in society cannot be understood without studying its composition as a city of immigrants, their newcomer families and friends and the ties that bind them. By overlooking the ethnic culture and networks of the city's immigrants, the study of the urban centre is at best a futile effort. Ethnic tendencies and particularly ethnic residential segregation, are areas of examination than cannot …

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…Moses. The Promised City: New York's Jews, 1870-1914, (New York: Corinth Books, 1964) Schreuder, Yda. "Labor Segmentation, Ethnic Division of Labor, and Residential Segregation in American Cities in the Early Twentieth Century," Professional Geographer 41 (1989): 131-43 Speisman, Stephen A. The Jews of Toronto: A History to 1937, (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979) White, Michael J. & Sassler, Sharon. "Residential Assimilation and Residential Attainment: Examining the Effects of Ethnicity and Immigration," Population Studies and Training Center. Working Paper 97-07 (Brown University: 1987)