Ethnic Enclaves in Canada: Patterns of Exclusion, Segregation, and Clustering

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
My essay will discuss the relationship between Asian ethnic groups in Canada, focusing on Vancouver and Toronto, and how their social and built environments are organized. I will discuss the development and perpetuation of ethnic enclaves in both of these cities, examining where these minority groups cluster, and observing the patterns of segregation. In addition, my thesis examines how enclaves are a result of the racism and exclusionary practices, coupled with immigrants' needs to establish …

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…traditions, cultures, and interests, as opposed to the forced ghettorization of the past. Asian immigrants in particular have always demonstrated a strong attachment to their heritage and roots. Thus, in order to represent truly diverse, multicultural cities of the 21st century, Vancouver and Toronto must embrace the fusion and unity of different cultures in Canada, in ensuring that ethnic enclaves will never be systemically discriminated or excluded in the multicultural social fabric of Canada again.