Ethics in the Military

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According to Webster's (1983) ethics can be defined as having to do with or conforming to moral standards or professional standards of conduct. It can also be described as the study of reasoning about moral right and wrong, which nurtures the moral consciousness and establishes the basis for right actions by military leaders Stromberg Wakin and Callahan (1982). Military ethics is an ethics of institutions, and we should not presume that such an ethics is structured in …

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…Military Ethics Guidelines For Peace and War Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul Plc Brown, J., Collins, M., (1981) Military Ethics and Professionalism Washington DC National Defense University Press Sarkesian, S., (1981) Beyond the Battlefield The New Military Professionalism New York Pergamon Press Callahan, D., Stromberg, P., Wakin, M., (1982) The Teaching of Ethics in The Military New York Printed in the United States of America Simon and Schuster (1983) New World Dictionary A division of Gulf and Western Corporation