Ethics essay

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Ethics Essay *Must submit 900 word essay on the meaning of "ethics" *Essays should address an ethical dilemma or example in the field of business, medicine, religion, or everyday life Webster's dictionary defines "Ethics"' as... (eth'iks) n. <Gr ethike (techne) "a system of moral standards or values". But we ask, what do "ethics" mean to you? Do ethics impact your friendships? Schoolwork? How you interact with your parents? Teachers? Co-workers? With all the news …

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…information on any of the copies of your essay. Each essay will be assigned a tracking number which will correlate to your personal information. All essays submitted become property of the CXO Essay Ethics Scholarship Project and will not be returned. Finalists agree that their essays may be included in a publication, other press and/or online media for public viewing. Students will retain the copyrights published materials. Submission deadline: Midnight CST - May 30th, 2003.