Ethics and Strategy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The question is, what is ethics and does ethics influence a person's decision-making skills. Ethics is the study of morality, the evolved capacity to bring reason to issues and situations that our moral traditions do not equip us to handle as well as we might (Center for Ethics, 2003). There are many things that may influence or impact how a person makes decisions. I believe that ethics is a major factor that people either consciously or …

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…and cheapo rental-car-sales. Workers would have a cost-competitive health-care plan but would fall back on government unemployment benefits when hard times demanded layoffs. Profitable auto sales and finance operations would fuel a richer budget, tightly focused on four or five divisions instead of eight (Welch et al., 2005). References Center for Ethics. (2003). The Study of Moral Philosophy. Retrieved September 16, 2004 from Welch et al. (2005). Why GM's Plan Won't Work. Business Week, 3932, 84.