Ethical Issues in the movie "Godsend"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Godsend is a psychological thriller about the extraordinary powers of scientific knowledge. Paul and Jessie are a happily married couple with an eight year old son named Adam. A tragic accident occurs the day after Adam's eighth birthday, and he passes away. A doctor named Dr. Richards approaches Adam's parents with an offer to clone their child. Jessie and Paul agree to this offer and move away to Riverton to start a new life with …

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…go against our own faith. The third ethical issue of one's own identity has great implications in real life. Everyone is a unique individual, who is able to make his or her own choices in life. If you are not your own person, it means that you cannot make your own decisions, because someone else has already made them for you. This also denies the concept of free will, which is the issue in Godsend.