Ethical Dilemma's regarding councling

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Reporting abuse frequently becomes an ethical dilemma because of complex interactions among several factors. These factors include diverse professional contexts, legal requirements, professional-ethical standards, and the circumstances of suspected abuse. The reporting dilemma also reflects the fact that breaching confidentiality and breaking the law both constitute unethical behavior. The problem of child maltreatment has reached epidemic proportions with nearly 1.9 million reports received for investigation on approximately 2.9 million children who were the alleged subjects of child …

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…with sexually active adolescents confront ethical dilemmas. The ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence and justice must be upheld, but these often conflict when teenagers are involved in sexual activity with someone who is older than they are. Thus, investigators are challenged to balance ethical and adhering to legal requirements in their state. I find that abuse in any form can cause an ethical issue. In addition, each case should be looked at closely.