Ethan Frome - symbolism

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Symbolism can give additional meaning to a variety of texts. From music to movies to novels, symbolism creates an even deeper meaning than found in a surface reading. The symbolism found within Ethan Frome adds to the inherent meaning of the text to give it an even deeper meaning. Edith Wharton uses the pickle dish, the Oak tree, and the cat as symbols to achieve deeper meaning. The pickle dish is of great significance in …

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…Ethan and Mattie. The cat was trying to get attention by jumping " between them into Zeena's empty chair"(68)." The cat tried to get attention like Zeena, and also assumed her place at the dinner table. While Ethan and Mattie were sitting by the fire, the cat jumped out of Zeena's chair, making it rock. Ethan thought, "She'll be rocking in it herself this time to-morrow"(78). Even Ethan noticed the connection between Zeena and the cat.