Essay title: Morals: Long Lost and Forgotten book title: Lord of the Flies author: William Golding

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MORALS: LONG LOST AND FORGOTTEN Morals are necessary to mantain order in society, without morals society starts to become chaotic. In Golding's Lord of the Flies, the boys have morals in which they already follow and morals that they create while on the island. At first the boys decide to have a civilized life on the island, then this civilized life soon crumbles causing much chaos and destruction on the island. One of the first …

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…the end. Morals that you'd never think would be forgotten have been forgotten, all because of the uncivilized life the boys had on the island. Among the morals lost were, trust, honesty, killing, and stealing. These morals were all lost throughout this novel, and I believe that at the end of the book when the boys were rescued, they notice how they lost these morals and lived the chaotic, uncivilized life in which they had.