Essay summarization Steps toward Multicultural curriculum Transformation

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In the essay, "Steps Toward Multicultural Curriculum Transformation," Gorski states, The curriculum of the mainstream is Eurocentric and male-centric. It fully ignores the experiences, voices, contributions, and perspectives of non-dominant individuals and groups in all subject areas. All educational materials including textbooks, films, and other teaching and learning tools present information in a purely Eurocentric, male-centric format. This stage is harmful for both students who identify with mainstream culture as well as individuals from non-dominant …

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…Each event from the United States involves various different cultures. We have made it so far in this country thanks to the variety of race and cultures involved in our progress. We must learn to appreciate and feel gratitude towards each country. This can also be achieved by using your class as an important resource in the process of being socially and culturally diverse. They too are a very important asset to the learning experience.