Essay regarding a comparison of tactics used by Malcolm X and by anti-Vietnam war protesters during the 1960's and 1970's.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
<Tab/>"Black power will smash everything Western civilization has created." With these types of attitudes, militant black leaders such as Malcolm X methods of attempting to gain African Americain equality through whatever means necessary differed drastically from the generally peaceful methods of the anti-Vietnam protests that occurred in the late 1960's. Publications from Malcolm X and other militant leaders show their extreme but perhaps necessary views. Contrastingly the peaceful rallies and …

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…good accomplished by both are also significant. These movements largely influenced the lives of Americain youth, and without them the nation would have remained a home for bigotry and imperialism. They showed that although the nations government may go astray the Americain youth would step up to their duty as citizens to express their views and concerns regarding the current system and attempt to right the wrongs and fix the injustices present in their society.