Essay: reaction to the book "Blowback," by Chalmers Johnson, dealing with U.S. operations in Okinawa,Japan as being inappropriate.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
In the book Blowback Chalmers Johnson discusses the way in which the United States has created an empire in which some of its actions could have serious repercussions. "In a sense blowback is simply another way of saying a nation reaps what it sows" (Johnson 17). Blowback is a term originally created by the CIA which is used to refer to incidences which occur as consequences to operations that are secret from the American people. In …

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…our benefit, and not to merely protect our allies. However, there are few Americans I know that view it that way. As Johnson writes, "We Americans deeply believe that our role is virtuous-that our actions are almost invariably for the good of others as well as ourselves. Even when our countries actions have led to disaster, we assume that the motive behind them was honorable...The world is not a safer place as a result" (216).