Essay question: Assess the evidence fot and against teh central character of 'Strange Objects', Steven Messenger, having a psychological disorder.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel 'Strange Objects' by Gary Crew, many questions are asked but few are answered. One of the questions raised in the novel concerns the mental state of the central character, Steven Messenger. Steven's behaviour throughout the novel gives reason to believe that he suffers from a severe psychological disorder, most likely schizophrenia or depre3ssion. However, this theory has many 'supernatural-shaped' holes that can only be filled by the belief that Jan Pelgrom …

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…shows the Messenger is in denial about the death of his father and has repressed his grief, which is a sign of grief. Therefore, evidence suggests that Steven Messenger did align himself with a psychological disorder. This can be seen in such examples as item 17 when he describes a vision of Ela he experiences. It is most likely that the death of his father and possession of the ring had brought on Messenger's psychological disorders.