Essay on unity on "CLoudstreet", by Tim Winton

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Tim Winton's "Cloudstreet" tells the story of two working-class families--the God-fearing Lambs and the feckless Pickles--who are forced to live in the same house. It explores the importance of family, spirituality and reconciliation. The novel begins with both families in disarray, with fragmented relationships. By the end, however, all conflicts are resolved, divisions are healed, and fragments become whole. Winton is able to influence his readers' understanding of people and society by demonstrating the value …

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…been a fence". The novel's closing image focuses on reconciliation, the tearing down of barriers, and unity. Winton's Cloudstreet explores the importance of family, spirituality and reconciliation in our daily lives. Though these essential ideas he communicates his vision for Australia's future as an integrated nation. Cloudstreet is influential in the way it details the need for unity between not just people, but nature as well, in order to form a stable and harmonious society.