Essay on the statement "That Australia should never have been involved in the Vietnam War."

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The controversial Vietnam War had a huge impact on Australian society in the 1960s and 1970s. Did Australia have to go there? Did we really have to invade a country that wasn't at war with us? The topic of Vietnam is very controversial because there is no real right side. Because we did go we stopped communism, but communism may have never reached our shores if didn't go. The war was unlike any other. But …

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…June 1973. A total of 508 Australians died in Vietnam: 478 Army personnel, 14 RAAF personnel, 9 Navy personnel, and 7 civilians. Not to mention all the veterans that committed suicide from the aftershock of the war and from the "Friendly" welcome home. All these people died and for what, we ended up losing the war and South Vietnam was captured. The Vietnam War left a scar that will not heal across Australia and America, not to mention the crippled Vietnam.