Essay on the idea of marginality expressed by Bell Hooks

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Essay Database > Literature
From its humble beginnings in 1776, the United States has been a bright beacon of equality, whose light has attracted millions of immigrants from all parts of the world. Yet, this heavily sought equality is still a fleeting ideal, an ideal not enjoyed by a portion of our population. These people, whose numbers have been displaced, oppressed, and dominated, represent the margins of our society. Though part of American's collective whole, they live and work outside …

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…can also harness their power as a collective whole to push forward their cause. With their combined knowledge of how society works, both in and outside the margins, they can provide solutions to many of our cities problems. Marginality is an important function in our society, and those within the margins much strive to hold on to it, even if they now live and work outside of it, for the margins provide space for resistance.