Essay on the Short Story "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" by Flannery O'Connor

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In a "Good Man Is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor, the contrast of good and evil is not as evident as it appears on the surface. The road that the family in the story travels symbolizes good up until the point the grandmother all but forces the family to make a detour onto a dirt road that leads to their demise. She is the unlikely antagonist in the story. A serial killer named, The …

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…of evil. The Misfit saves the family from Grandmother through killing them. He redirects their souls back from whence they came. The Misfit says that Grandmother "...would have been a good woman had somebody been there to shoot her every day of her life". (p. 203) Had some one been there to redeem Grandmother's soul everyday of her life she would have been a good woman. I guess a Good Woman is Hard to Find Too.