Essay on the European Union. To recieve a better grade throw in some sources. I didn't cite any and I got an 86%

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
The European Union The European Union is a coalition of European nations, who by combining their economic wealth, have decided to form a united Europe, a Europe with no barriers and complete freedom to trade with one another. The European Union is a combination of many countries; these countries are France, Italy, Luxemburg, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Finland, Portugal, Sweden, and Greece. With all these countries forming one huge …

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…will one day include all of Europe will be something to watch. It is very intriguing to see, in modern day times all these nations starting to unite under one flag, one nation and one currency. So far the European Union has succeeded, and has taken their first steps in order to amalgamate. The powerful economic coalition known as the European Union will be a world player in economics because of its colossal economic strength!