Essay on modernism and realism

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Elliott <Tab/>The Romantic movement was engulfed with writers developing their intense passion into written works. Frederick Douglass wrote, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" during the year 1845 and in which he describes his tortured years as a slave and the courage and determination it took for him to overcome and succeed in his life. This piece remains a large part of the Romantic Period as described …

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…has taken us from themes of "imagination derived from the soul" to "truthful representations of reality" to "modern consciousness." Modernism puts "emphasis on ways of knowing rather than on objects of knowledge: briefly, on how we know what we know." (The Norton Anthology 1883) This then leads us into the next phase which will include Expressionalism, Dadaism, Surrealism and Futurism grouped together to describe "different ways of expressing the reality of the world." (The Norton Anthology 1343)