Essay on how the books "The Catcher in the Rye" and "The Odyssey" are written based on the flaws and imperfections of the main characters

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Essay Database > Literature
Most classical pieces of literature use the very effective literary element known as symbolism to enhance stories with deeper meaning. Throughout the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, symbolism played an active role in emphasizing on particular crucial events. The fascinating connection between weather and the emotions of the characters was used throughout the novel to stress the particular mood of the situation. Emily Bronte even used the burial location of Catherine to emphasize her …

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…forever. The most interesting and dramatic novels throughout the history of literature actively use symbolism as a key literary element to enhance stories. The story of Wuthering Heights was effectively enhanced by symbolism because it added emotion and feeling to the novel. Symbolism is often used to emphasize the drama of a particular event as Emily Bronte clearly did. The fascinating comparisons and creative symbolism successfully added to the very enjoyable story of Wuthering Heights.