Essay on comparing generations. Includes bibliography.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
My parents are dorks. In the eyes of most teenagers their parents might not be coolest people, but back in their prime I'm sure they were something else. In just one generation so much has changed which many parents haven't caught on to yet. Not picking up on new trends and styles label them by their children as dorks, losers or whatever word happens to be hip at the time. The new trends and styles …

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…are we just being hypocrites? "Dancing Queen". Accessed 22 Feb. 2003. <> A-Z Lyrics. "You Can Do It." Accessed 22 Feb. 2003. <> King, Dan. EBSCOhost. Retrieved from 24 Feb. 2002. Accessed 22 Feb. 2003. Coolidge, Shelley Donald. EBSCOhost. Retrieved from "Christian Science Monitor". 9 Aug. 1999. Accessed 15 Mar. 2003.