Essay on career planning for specail education students.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Career Planning Strategies for Disabled Students Career counseling in secondary schools is important for all students; but it is especially critical for students with physical or mental disabilities. This group comprises about half of identified exceptional students. Although they have normal intelligence, their learning problems "in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities" (Biller, 1991) can prevent them from acquiring knowledge when they are taught in large groups or counseled …

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…E. H., Sautter, S. W., Steidle, E. F., Baker, D. P., Bailey, M. B., & Echols, L. D. (1987). "Needs of Learning Disabled Adults." Journal of Learning Disabilities, 20, 43-52. Hutchinson, N. L., & Freeman, J. G. (1994). "Pathways" (5 volumes). Toronto, ON: Nelson Canada. Hutchinson, N. L., Freeman, J. G., & Fisher, C. (1993). "A Two-Year Cohort Study: Career Development for Youth with Learning Disabilities." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA.