Essay on a descriptive place you have visited. Using explicit amounts of detail and long, grammar filled sentences

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Essay Database > Literature
White sand rolls into the bluish green water, creating the peaceful and calming atmosphere that this beach is known for. During the day, the sky is a beautiful blue, the sun shining through, it's rays beaming down on everyone soaking up it's environment, and the sun's persistence making it impossible to forget it is there. Not a cloud in the sky, the light blue illuminates the sun in the most perfect way, reflecting it off …

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…the feelings that I associate with this place, as it has meant so much to me over the years and now has so many memories tied to it as well. I know Tigertail beach will continue to be a paradise as well as a haven for me, a place for me to escape to every June and remember how beautiful the world is sometimes; and it will continue to be my favorite place on earth.