Essay on Tsunami, December 26th 2004 the disaster that was caused by the Tsuanmi, and it takes a look into its sociological persepctives

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
On December 26, 2004 the world experienced the most devastating natural disaster to hit the Indian Ocean. It was classified as a tsunami, a tsunami holding immense power equivalent to the destruction of three nuclear bombs. Tsunami waves can become more than 30 feet high as they come into shore and can rush miles inland across low-lying areas. The death tolls were astronomical causing much grief, pain and depression throughout the world. "Estimates of the total toll from …

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…another issue that has caused much pain and grief but the future of these countries can not be predicted. It can either be a fast re- growth or the country economically suffers for years to come. Hopefully with god's grace, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and southwest Thailand can move through this atrocity in a positive manner and the world population continues to support one another during times of threat and <Tab/>