Essay on Stella in "Streetcar Named Desire", by Tenessee Williams: Description of how she is torn between Blanche and Stanley.

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Stella Kowalski is Stanley Kowaslki's wife and Blanche Dubois' older sister. She grew up at Belle Reve with Blanche and moved to Elysian Fields in New Orleans when she married. Even though she is not the protagonist, Stella has an important role in the play. Stella comes from a wealthy background but abandoned her past when she married Stanley and became part of the working class of New Orleans. We don't know much about her …

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…Blanche's claim concerning the rape and will continue to live with Stanley as if it never happened. This is proof that Stella and Blanche are not so different in the end, as they both choose to ignore information so their dreams aren't corrupted. The last line of the play is Steve dealing a new hand, symbolizing that tragedy will be forgotten and Stella will continue to live a happy life with Stanley and her child.