Essay on Skinhead.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
This essay is from an English novel published in 1970. The novel is written by Richard Allen and was published in Great Britain by New English Library. In this story we hear from a teenage boy called Joe Hawkins. Joe Hawkins is a teenage boy living in Plairstow, which is an area in London's East End. East End is the place where the old working-class are living. Joe is very aggressive; he has even made his …

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…a racist too, and how it influences his family. In this story we just hear how it influences Joe. I think if Joe and his family moved to the West End and started a new life there, he will grow up normal. I think he will be like all the other teenages. I think the fact is that he just is an Englishman as love his city and thinks that it belongs to the Englishmen.