Essay on Oedipus Jocasta Creon and Antigone

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Essay on Oedipus, Jocasta, Creon, and Antigone According to ancient Greeks the state of human beings was always in constant tragedy. This is due to the continuous control that the Gods exerted on all human beings. The Gods determined their fate and if humans tried to change their destiny and thus their character they were punished. The Gods required justice and never let someone go unpunished. Sophocles wrote two plays that described these ideas. The …

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…the Gods are punishing beings and ruled overall, but Creon only ruled his kingdom. Creon is ultimately punished for his pride and lack of respect for the Gods. It was after his conversation with Teiresias that he realizes he was blind to himself and that as a mortal he should have never defiled the Gods. But it is too late because the Gods have cursed him by having all his close family members kill themselves.