Essay on Martin Luther Kings's "I Have a Dream" speech

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
MLK Jr. Analysis Essay Not often does a revolutionary such as Martin Luther King Jr. come along, and whenever one such person does, the earth trembles as their shockwaves of change are felt. King's pressure of reform for equality during the civil rights movements of the 1960's was felt as a predominant force in those times. Until his untimely assassination in 1968, King's main tool in conveying his powerful messages to the masses was through his …

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…King also used locale as a device; for example the delivery of the speech came from the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial, the same man and early civil rights activist whose speech King was emulating. King's superior use of repetition that led audiences to continue pondering his message long after the speech was over. This inspiring message that spread by word of mouth and stirring speeches led to a massive following that rallied toward equality.